_FEATURECLACFEATSHORTDCFEATLONGDEC A ADM1 first-order administrative division A ADM2 second-order administrative division A ADM3 third-order administrative division A ADM4 fourth-order administrative division A ADMD administrative division A LTER leased area A PCL political entity A PCLD dependent political entity A PCLF freely associated state A PCLI independent political entity A PCLIX section of independent political entity A PCLS semi-independent political entity A PRSH parish A TERR territory A ZN zone A ZNB buffer zone H AIRS seaplane landing area H ANCH anchorage H BAY bay H BAYS bays H BGHT bight(s) H BNK bank(s) H BNKR stream bank H BNKX section of bank H BOG bog(s) H CAPG icecap H CHN channel H CHNL lake channel(s) H CHNM marine channel H CHNN navigation channel H CNFL confluence H CNL canal H CNLA aqueduct H CNLB canal bend H CNLD drainage canal H CNLI irrigation canal H CNLN navigation canal(s) H CNLQ abandoned canal H CNLSB underground irrigation canal(s) H CNLX section of canal H COVE cove(s) H CRKT tidal creek(s) H CRNT current H CUTF cutoff H DCK dock(s) H DCKB docking basin H DOMG icecap dome H DPRG icecap depression H DTCH ditch H DTCHD drainage ditch H DTCHI irrigation ditch H DTCHM ditch mouth(s) H ESTY estuary H FISH fishing area H FJD fjord H FJDS fjords H FLLS waterfall(s) H FLLSX section of waterfall(s) H FLTM mud flat(s) H FLTT tidal flat(s) H GLCR glacier(s) H GULF gulf H GYSR geyser H HBR harbor(s) H HBRX section of harbor H INLT inlet H INLTQ former inlet H LBED lake bed(s) H LGN lagoon H LGNS lagoons H LGNX section of lagoon H LK lake H LKC crater lake H LKI intermittent lake H LKN salt lake H LKNI intermittent salt lake H LKO oxbow lake H LKOI intermittent oxbow lake H LKS lakes H LKSB underground lake H LKSC crater lakes H LKSI intermittent lakes H LKSN salt lakes H LKSNI intermittent salt lakes H LKX section of lake H MFGN salt evaporation ponds H MGV mangrove swamp H MOOR moor(s) H MRSH marsh(es) H MRSHN salt marsh H NRWS narrows H OCN ocean H OVF overfalls H PND pond H PNDI intermittent pond H PNDN salt pond H PNDNI intermittent salt pond(s) H PNDS ponds H PNDSF fishponds H PNDSI intermittent ponds H PNDSN salt ponds H POOL pool(s) H POOLI intermittent pool H RCH reach H RDGG icecap ridge H RDST roadstead H RF reef(s) H RFC coral reef(s) H RFX section of reef H RPDS rapids H RSV reservoir(s) H RSVI intermittent reservoir H RSVT water tank H RVN ravine(s) H SBKH sabkha(s) H SD sound H SEA sea H SHOL shoal(s) H SILL sill H SPNG spring(s) H SPNS sulphur spring(s) H SPNT hot spring(s) H STM stream H STMA anabranch H STMB stream bend H STMC canalized stream H STMD distributary(-ies) H STMH headwaters H STMI intermittent stream H STMIX section of intermittent stream H STMM stream mouth(s) H STMQ abandoned watercourse H STMS streams H STMSB lost river H STMX section of stream H STRT strait H SWMP swamp H SYSI irrigation system H TNLC canal tunnel H WAD wadi H WADB wadi bend H WADJ wadi junction H WADM wadi mouth H WADS wadies H WADX section of wadi H WHRL whirlpool H WLL well H WLLQ abandoned well H WLLS wells H WTLD wetland H WTLDI intermittent wetland H WTRC watercourse H WTRH waterhole(s) L AGRC agricultural colony L AREA area L BSND drainage basin L BSNP petroleum basin L BTL battlefield L CLG clearing L CMN common L CNS concession area L COLF coalfield L CONT continent L CST coast L CTRB business center L DEVH housing development L FLD field(s) L FLDI irrigated field(s) L GASF gasfield L GRAZ grazing area L GVL gravel area L INDS industrial area L LAND arctic land L LCTY locality L MILB military base L MNA mining area L MVA maneuver area L NVB naval base L OAS oasis(-es) L OILF oilfield L PEAT peat cutting area L PRK park L PRT port L QCKS quicksand L REP republic L RES reserve L RESA agricultural reserve L RESF forest reserve L RESH hunting reserve L RESN nature reserve L RESP palm tree reserve L RESV reservation L RESW wildlife reserve L RGN region L RGNE economic region L RGNL lake region L RNGA artillery range L SALT salt area L SNOW snowfield L TRB tribal area L ZZZZZ master source holdings list P PPL populated place P PPLA seat of a first-order administrative division P PPLC capital of a political entity P PPLG seat of government of a political entity P PPLL populated locality P PPLQ abandoned populated place P PPLR religious populated place P PPLS populated places P PPLW destroyed populated place P PPLX section of populated place P STLMT israeli settlement R CSWY causeway R CSWYQ former causeway R OILP oil pipeline R PRMN promenade R PTGE portage R RD road R RDA ancient road R RDB road bend R RDCUT road cut R RDJCT road junction R RJCT railroad junction R RR railroad R RRQ abandoned railroad R RTE caravan route R RYD railroad yard R ST street R STKR stock route R TNL tunnel R TNLN natural tunnel R TNLRD road tunnel R TNLRR railroad tunnel R TNLS tunnels R TRL trail S ADMF administrative facility S AGRF agricultural facility S AIRB airbase S AIRF airfield S AIRH heliport S AIRP airport S AIRQ abandoned airfield S AMTH amphitheater S ANS ancient site S ARCH arch S ASTR astronomical station S ASYL asylum S ATHF athletic field S ATM autmatic teller machine S BANK bank S BCN beacon S BDG bridge S BDGQ ruined bridge S BLDG building(s) S BP boundary marker S BRKS barracks S BRKW breakwater S BSTN baling station S BTYD boatyard S BUR burial cave(s) S BUSTN Bus Station S BUSTP Bus Stop S CARN cairn S CAVE cave(s) S CH church S CMP camp(s) S CMPL logging camp S CMPLA labor camp S CMPMN mining camp S CMPO oil camp S CMPQ abandoned camp S CMPRF refugee camp S CMTY cemetery S COMC communication center S CRRL corral(s) S CSNO casino S CSTL castle S CSTM customs house S CTHSE courthouse S CTRA atomic center S CTRCM community center S CTRF facility center S CTRM medical center S CTRR religious center S CTRS space center S CVNT convent S DAM dam S DAMQ ruined dam S DAMSB sub-surface dam S DARY dairy S DCKD dry dock S DCKY dockyard S DIKE dike S DPOF fuel depot S EST estate(s) S ESTB banana plantation S ESTC cotton plantation S ESTO oil palm plantation S ESTR rubber plantation S ESTSG sugar plantation S ESTSL sisal plantation S ESTT tea plantation S ESTX section of estate S FCL facility S FNDY foundry S FRM farm S FRMQ abandoned farm S FRMS farms S FRMT farmstead S FT fort S FY ferry S GATE gate S GDN garden(s) S GHSE guest house S GOSP gas-oil separator plant S GRVE grave S HERM hermitage S HLT halting place S HSE house(s) S HSEC country house S HSP hospital S HSPC clinic S HSPD dispensary S HSPL leprosarium S HSTS historical site S HTL hotel S HUT hut S HUTS huts S INSM military installation S ITTR research institute S JTY jetty S LDNG landing S LEPC leper colony S LOCK lock(s) S LTHSE lighthouse S MALL mall S MAR marina S MFG factory S MFGB brewery S MFGC cannery S MFGCU copper works S MFGLM limekiln S MFGM munitions plant S MFGPH phosphate works S MFGQ abandoned factory S MFGSG sugar refinery S MKT market S ML mill(s) S MLM ore treatment plant S MLO olive oil mill S MLSG sugar mill S MLSGQ former sugar mill S MLSW sawmill S MLWND windmill S MLWTR water mill S MN mine(s) S MNAU gold mine(s) S MNC coal mine(s) S MNCR chrome mine(s) S MNCU copper mine(s) S MNDT diatomite mine(s) S MNFE iron mine(s) S MNMT monument S MNN salt mine(s) S MNNI nickel mine(s) S MNPB lead mine(s) S MNPL placer mine(s) S MNQ abandoned mine S MNQR quarry(-ies) S MNSN tin mine(s) S MOLE mole S MSQE mosque S MSSN mission S MSSNQ abandoned mission S MSTY monastery S MTRO metro station S MUS museum S NOV novitiate S NSY nursery(-ies) S OBPT observation point S OBS observatory S OBSR radio observatory S OILJ oil pipeline junction S OILQ abandoned oil well S OILR oil refinery S OILT tank farm S OILW oil well S OPRA opera house S PAL palace S PGDA pagoda S PIER pier S PKLT parking lot S PMPO oil pumping station S PMPW water pumping station S PO post office S PP police post S PPQ abandoned police post S PRKGT park gate S PRKHQ park headquarters S PRN prison S PRNJ reformatory S PRNQ abandoned prison S PS power station S PSH hydroelectric power station S PSTB border post S PSTC customs post S PSTP patrol post S PYR pyramid S PYRS pyramids S QUAY quay S RECG golf course S RECR racetrack S REST restaurant S RHSE resthouse S RKRY rookery S RLG religious site S RLGR retreat S RNCH ranch(es) S RSD railroad siding S RSGNL railroad signal S RSRT resort S RSTN railroad station S RSTNQ abandoned railroad station S RSTP railroad stop S RSTPQ abandoned railroad stop S RUIN ruin(s) S SCH school S SCHA agricultural school S SCHC college S SCHM military school S SCHN maritime school S SHPF sheepfold S SHRN shrine S SHSE storehouse S SLCE sluice S SNTR sanatorium S SPA spa S SPLY spillway S SQR square S STBL stable S STDM stadium S STNB scientific research base S STNC coast guard station S STNE experiment station S STNF forest station S STNI inspection station S STNM meteorological station S STNR radio station S STNS satellite station S STNW whaling station S STPS steps S THTR theater S TMB tomb(s) S TMPL temple(s) S TNKD cattle dipping tank S TOWR tower S TRIG triangulation station S TRMO oil pipeline terminal S UNIV university S USGE united states government establishment S VETF veterinary facility S WALL wall S WALLA ancient wall S WEIR weir(s) S WHRF wharf(-ves) S WRCK wreck S WTRW waterworks S ZNF free trade zone S ZOO zoo T ASPH asphalt lake T ATOL atoll(s) T BAR bar T BCH beach T BCHS beaches T BDLD badlands T BLDR boulder field T BLHL blowhole(s) T BLOW blowout(s) T BNCH bench T BUTE butte(s) T CAPE cape T CFT cleft(s) T CLDA caldera T CLF cliff(s) T CNYN canyon T CONE cone(s) T CRDR corridor T CRQ cirque T CRQS cirques T CRTR crater(s) T CUET cuesta(s) T DLTA delta T DPR depression(s) T DSRT desert T DUNE dune(s) T DVD divide T ERG sandy desert T FAN fan(s) T FORD ford T FSR fissure T GAP gap T GRGE gorge(s) T HDLD headland T HLL hill T HLLS hills T HMCK hammock(s) T HMDA rock desert T INTF interfluve T ISL island T ISLF artificial island T ISLM mangrove island T ISLS islands T ISLT land-tied island T ISLX section of island T ISTH isthmus T KRST karst area T LAVA lava area T LEV levee T MESA mesa(s) T MND mound(s) T MRN moraine T MT mountain T MTS mountains T NKM meander neck T NTK nunatak T NTKS nunataks T PAN pan T PANS pans T PASS pass T PEN peninsula T PENX section of peninsula T PK peak T PKS peaks T PLAT plateau T PLATX section of plateau T PLDR polder T PLN plain(s) T PLNX section of plain T PROM promontory(-ies) T PT point T PTS points T RDGB beach ridge T RDGE ridge(s) T REG stony desert T RK rock T RKFL rockfall T RKS rocks T SAND sand area T SBED dry stream bed T SCRP escarpment T SDL saddle T SHOR shore T SINK sinkhole T SLID slide T SLP slope(s) T SPIT spit T SPUR spur(s) T TAL talus slope T TRGD interdune trough(s) T TRR terrace T UPLD upland T VAL valley T VALG hanging valley T VALS valleys T VALX section of valley T VLC volcano U APNU apron U ARCU arch U ARRU arrugado U BDLU borderland U BKSU banks U BNCU bench U BNKU bank U BSNU basin U CDAU cordillera U CNSU canyons U CNYU canyon U CRSU continental rise U DEPU deep U EDGU shelf edge U ESCU escarpment (or scarp) U FANU fan U FLTU flat U FRKU fork U FRSU forks U FRZU fracture zone U FURU furrow U GAPU gap U GLYU gully U HLLU hill U HLSU hills U HOLU hole U KNLU knoll U KNSU knolls U LDGU ledge U LEVU levee U MDVU median valley U MESU mesa U MNDU mound U MOTU moat U MTSU mountains U MTU mountain U PKSU peaks U PKU peak U PLFU platform U PLNU plain U PLTU plateau U PNLU pinnacle U PRVU province U RAVU ravine U RDGU ridge U RDSU ridges U RFSU reefs U RFU reef U RISU rise U RMPU ramp U RNGU range U SCNU seachannel U SCSU seachannels U SDLU saddle U SHFU shelf U SHLU shoal U SHSU shoals U SHVU shelf valley U SILU sill U SLPU slope U SMSU seamounts U SMU seamount U SPRU spur U TERU terrace U TMSU tablemounts (or guyots) U TMTU tablemount (or guyot) U TNGU tongue U TRGU trough U TRNU trench U VALU valley U VLSU valleys V BUSH bush(es) V CULT cultivated area V FRST forest(s) V FRSTF fossilized forest V GRSLD grassland V GRVC coconut grove V GRVO olive grove V GRVP palm grove V GRVPN pine grove V HTH heath V MDW meadow V OCH orchard(s) V SCRB scrubland V TREE tree(s) V TUND tundra V VIN vineyard V VINS vineyards V ll not available